Preventive health services
Preventive health services are provided to the community, covering all urban, rural and estate areas, by MOH offices and the field health staff attached to them. A summary of the field areas are given below.
MOH divisions, PHM and PHI areas and Specialized Units of Uva province
Badulla |
Monaragala |
Province |
MOH divisions |
16 |
11 |
27 |
PHM areas |
325 |
191 |
516 |
PHI areas |
59 |
44 |
103 |
Specialized units |
5 |
5 |
10 |
Badulla is divided into 16 Medical Officer of Health are as compared to the district of Monaragala which has been divided into 11 MOOH areas. The 16 MOH divisions of Badulla district are subdivided into 325 PHM and 59 PHI areas. The 11 MOH areas in Monaragala district are divided into 191 PHM areas and 44 PHI areas to provide field health services. In addition, each districts have 5 Specialized Public Health Units, namely, the District Chest Clinic, District STD Clinic, District Leprosy Unit, District Rabies Unit and the Regional Malaria Unit.
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