Base Hospitals (Type A)
These Base Hospitals provide specialist inward care, specialist clinic services as well as radiology, laboratory and blood transfusion facilities to patients in the province. In addition to four basic specialist services; Medical, Surgical, Gynecological & Obstetrics and Paediactric, these hospitals provide other specialist services such as Eye, ENT, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radiology, Orthopedics etc. A summary of the healthcare services provided from these hospitals are detailed in table 10.
Health Service Provision at Type A Base Hospitals
BH Diyathalawa |
BH Mahiyangnanaya |
2017 | 2018 |
2019 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
No of beds available |
361 | 361 |
381 |
358 |
365 |
458 |
Bed Occupancy Rate |
65% | 62% |
62% |
74% |
81% |
82% |
Total OPD attendance |
171,989 | 164,970 |
163,847 |
214,634 |
210,156 |
208,048 |
Average OPD turnover/day |
471 | 452 |
449 |
588 |
575 |
570 |
Total admissions |
29,983 | 32,325 |
37,842 |
55,017 |
56,747 |
61,389 |
Average admission/day |
82 | 89 |
104 |
151 |
155 |
168 |
No. of Wards |
07 | 07 |
07 |
10 |
10 |
11 |
Total number of deliveries |
2,001 | 1,915 |
1,816 |
4,262 |
4,252 |
3,635 |
Average number of deliveries/day |
05 | 5 |
5 |
12 |
12 |
10 |
Total No of Live Births |
2,046 | 1,918 |
1,814 |
4,518 |
4,284 |
3,662 |
Total No of Maternal Deaths |
02 | 0 |
0 |
0 |
02 |
0 |
Total No of Still Births |
11 | 15 |
10 |
23 |
14 |
15 |
BH-Mahiyangnanaya and BH-Diyathalawa are two Type A Base Hospitals that provide tertiary healthcare services under Provincial Health Administration of Uva Province. Number of beds available in BH Diyathalawa has increased from 340 in 2015 to 361 in 2017 whereas in BH Mahiyangnanaya it has increased from 290 in 2015 to 358 in 2017. However, there was no substantial change in average admissions per day at BH Diyathalawa whereas there was a significant increase in average admissions per day at BH Mahiyangana from 128 in 2015 to 151 in 2017. The average OPD attendance per day has not changed over last three years at Both Mahiyangana and Diyathalawa Base Hospitals.
The average number of deliveries per day has significantly decreased from 7 in 2015 to 5 in 2017 at BH Diyathalawa whereas it has no change at BH Mahiyangnana over last three years concerned.
Even though BH-Mahiyangnanaya provides Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care services, BH-Diyathalawa provide only Basic Emergency Obstetric Care services due to non-availability of second Gynecologist and Obstetrician by 2017.
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